Kristin Dean, CPBT-KA, Director of Avian Operations, Carolina Raptor Center, North Carolina, USA. Kristin has been working with birds, primarily raptors, for over 18 years. Currently, Kristin oversees the Raptor Rehabilitation Program and Resident Animal Programs at Carolina Raptor Center. Her experience in rehabilitating, training, and caring for raptors has resulted in a depth of raptor specific knowledge. She also serves on Carolina Raptor Center’s leadership team as an integral part of staff development, fulfillment of CRC’s mission, and visitor engagement. Kristin has a strong commitment to conservation and strives to inspire people of all ages to have a caring attitude towards nature and engage in conservation practices. Kristin is driven to help improve the welfare of animals in human care. She has presented information in a variety of ways through CRC seminars, NEI’s TEC Talks, and IAATE papers, presentations, and articles. She currently serves as a general board member on IAATE Board of Directors, serves as Chair on the IAATE Education Committee, and as a committee member on the Conservation Committee and Professional Development Committee.